Over the past 18 months, Ukrainian duo Woo York have produced techno in all its various shades—from dark and unforgiving, through to softer, more melodic fare. Their latest offering on longstanding imprint Planet Rhythm, the Grad EP, draws on elements from both camps.
At first glance, the title track is all grey-scale intensity, merging off-kilter kicks with joyless shudders. Soon, however, delicate keys start to filter through, basking the ominous foundations in a warm, meditative glow. "Barythmia" toes a similar line, fusing almost Balearic pads with a forceful beat. Both are sincere and strikingly beautiful. On remix...
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Archives: News & Updates
Resident Advisor: Machine Love, Mr G

Those who have followed Mr G for the last decade and a half probably associate him with London, the city he called home for many years. But save Thursdays, when Colin McBean makes his weekly pilgrimage to the capital (and returns with a stack of records and a few bottles of choice rum), the locus of his musical life is a pint-sized second-floor studio in a quaint market town about an hour away from London by train. This might seem out of step with a guy whose music, released prolifically through his own Phoenix G...
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Fokuz ”Fifty Five” reviewed by Everydayjunglist

The last few 12" of the Week titles have all lent somewhat towards the left of the drum and bass/170bpm spectrum. All very good 12"s that they were, it has left in me, a slight longing for something a bit more, dare I say, traditional. We all know music is a deeply personal thing and therein lies an inherent contradiction of this whole feature. To make more excuses, I'm no professional music critic either, barely an amateur hack so forgive me but sometimes you just have to go with what you're feeling.
'Taken from everydayjunglist, for...
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