Doc Scott talks with Knowledge Magazine about the 31 Recordings Future Beats 6x12'' Box set, the term ''Drum & Bass'' and his favourite producer picks of 2014.
You can order Future Beats: The Album from all good online music stores, the 31 Recordings Shop or the Triple Vision webshop.
''Taken from, read the full article here''...
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Archives: News & Updates
MORD014 tracks featured on the29nov films

The Rotterdam-based MORD imprint has drawn alot of attention in the techno scene over the past year. Their 14th EP is up for release this week and has been featured on the 'the29nov' YouTube channel, known for its obscure custom made music video's. Check out their music video's for the 'Lag - Fiend EP'
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Roman Poncet’s ‘Walfisch EP’ featured on XLR8

Roman Poncet's forthcoming debut EP on ARTS Collective - Walfisch EP - was featured on the blog.
'Detroit techno maven Robert Hood's remix for the upcoming Walfisch EP from French producer Roman Poncet can now be streamed in full. A characteristically efficient and structurally solid production, Hood's effort redirects Poncet's driving original track into slightly darker territory, infusing its rhythms with a bevy of gritty hi-hats as the rework burrows beneath a set of dubby chords.'
''Taken from XLR8, read the full article here''...
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